Life of a Missionary

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Provo, Utah

                                                  Love that Hat

                                         Elder Prince with Cincinnati friend Elder Kent Thalman
These pictures were taken in Provo, Utah. Around the end of Jan. 2012, Robert has made so many new friends who are serving missions in diverse places around the world.  You can tell they like to strike a pose!!  I knew how cold Robert gets so I sent him a beanie hat to wear, he looks like a little Jewish boy, hahahah. The Building in these photo's is the Provo Temple.  Robert really enjoys attending the Temple on his P-Day with his district. (p-day = preparation day)
 Across the street from the Provo Temple is the Missionary Training Center.   So they were able to walk back and forth once a week. 
 (P-Days happen once a week, this is when they have time to do laundry, write letters etc.)
Robert really  enjoyed the MTC, but was ready to leave by Feb. 2012.

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