Life of a Missionary

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I wanted to add this photo separate because it has special meaning to us. This is Elder Josh McIntosh. He is currently serving his mission in Spokane, Washington.  Robert and Josh are childhood friends. Josh and his family lived next door to us in West Valley City, Utah.  They were three or so when they met and when we moved to Cincinnati, Ohio in 2004, Robert just turned 12, he and Josh stayed in touch. 
Robert knew Josh was coming into the MTC on Jan. 18th 2012, for they have been writing to each other. Robert really wanted to be a HOST for that day. A Host is the person who greets a new missionary at the curb, as their parents dropped them off. The Host helps with their luggage and shows them around the MTC, helps them get their books, their name tags etc. and introduce him or her to their district.  Robert wanted so bad to be a Host the day Josh would be arriving, but he writes: I am not sure if I will be able to be a host when Josh comes, and even if I do, it's a 1 to 375 chances that I will actually get to be Josh's Host. As you can see by the picture above, Heavenly Father has blessed these childhood friends and is looking after our boys. Sundee, Josh's mom told me about the events that took place in her family in getting Josh to the MTC; and Robert told me his story and it's a wonderful gift and blessing from our Father in Heaven.
  Sundee said they arrived in Provo with plenty of time, so they as a family grabbed a bite to eat and still with time to spare decided to go to the Provo Temple to take some family pictures and say their good-bye's.  When you  drop off your missionary at the MTC, you do just that, you drop them off  at the curb and you leave.  They  have 375 mission arriving continually throughout the day. I am not sure if that is daily or weekly... ANYWAY... it was time to get Josh to the Missionary Training Center and all of a sudden Sundee got feeling really sick to were she turned to her husband Mike and said, I need to fine a bathroom and fasted. So they all piled into their van and long story short.  Josh was 25 mins. late reporting to the MTC.  I know Sundee felt really bad. Josh was teasing her, the other kids were a little worried Josh was going to be so late. She said she felt awful until she pulled up and when they finally stop to let Josh out.  Who was standing their to greet her missionary at the curb, you guessed it, Elder Prince.  Sundee was so excited she got out of the car and gave Robert a BIG HUG, "for me".  It was nothing short of a miracle.  Now Robert said, he helped two other missionaries that day and had time for one last missionary. So he went to the back of the line and waited. When it was his turn, this car pulled up and this missionary out of no where cut in front of him and took the new missionary that should have been for Robert to Host.  Robert said he was really mad and couldn't believe that that just happened... a few minutes. later, Robert still being next up in line... a van pulls up... and you guess it.. It was Elder McIntosh.  I know this was a gift for these two childhood friends... I know that Heavenly Father loves his missionaries and this was a special blessing just for them. These are great boys now men, doing the Lord's work and Sundee and I both agree and are grateful for such a wonderful blessing.  I love this work and I love the spirit of our Heavenly Father bearing witness to me of His love for our sons. This was a wonderful blessing for us and the McIntosh family.

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