Robert looks tired...
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
May of 2012, Elder Prince in Itzimna, Mexico
First Day in Merida, Mexico
The end of Feb. 2012
The end of Feb. 2012
Elder Prince with President and Sister Salinas
Robert didn't mention, but I believe this is out side
of his apartment.
Elder Prince is looking like a local with his tan. haha
In his letters he said he was having a hard time teaching
English classes, it takes him a few minutes to think in English
then another minute or so, to speak English. They were
then another minute or so, to speak English. They were
teasing him, asking him if he was really an American...
He said he thinks in English at times...His letters to us are
English mingled with Spanish. He is doing very well
picking up the language. I love the fact, that only after
5 months, he can read, write and speak Spanish fluently.
I was told they got this couch 6 weeks ago. yeah,
a little comfort.
a little comfort.
Streets of Mexico
Did I tell you Robert sleeps in a hammock, if fact his
whole mission does. This photo was taken when Elder
Prince went to Cancun for the Conference to hear
Elder Anderson address them, all the missionaries from
that mission came and they had to double up in small apartments.
Robert said there were 8 missionaries sleeping in a
very small apartment. Luckily it was only for the weekend.
They have the sleeping arrangements down...haha
Traveling to Cancun. This is the Elder Vinay, Robert's
trainer, he is from Tabassco, Mexico and doesn't
speak much English.
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